SiGMA Advertising Panel: European Gaming Lawyers Frustrated With Ad Restrictions

Gaming lawyers shared their frustrations during an advertising panel at SiGMA A Netherlands lawyer said he expects the country could implement a blanket ad ban Dr Hambach said ad limits are shrinking the legal German market, aiding illegal sites Industry experts have had their say on the impact of gaming advertising restrictions in Europe during […]

Global Gaming Expo (G2E) 2023

Host: American Gaming Association Location: Las Vegas, California, USA Date: 9 – 12 October 2023

Meet the Team

+++ MEET ALL GAMINGLAW.EU MEMBERS AT THE NEXT EVENTS +++ +++ MEET INDIVIDUAL GAMINGLAW.EU MEMBERS AT THE NEXT EVENTS +++ ___________________________________________________________________________ PARTNERS AND FOUNDERS OF GAMINGLAW.EU AND THEIR DIRECT PA CONTACTS Santiago Asensi (Asensi Abogados, Spain) PA to Santiago Asensi: Kerry Ruddle T. + 34 971 90 92 19 E. Dr. Wulf Hambach (Hambach […]


THE GAMINGLAW.EU FOUNDERS – LEADERS IN THEIR FIELD: The member firms of act, whether individually or collectively, as the first port of call and reference for C-level executives, boardrooms and in-house legal counsels. The member firms of are advisors to the entire spectrum of companies active in the gaming “ecosystem”: land based and remote gaming […]

Recent Articles:

Online gambling rules may get relaxed in Switzerland

May 5, 2009 2009

The Swiss government has recently published a draft proposal towards regulating online poker and Internet gaming.

According to Swissinfo, the new forms of gambling could generate revenue of up to an estimated $22 million annually. Online lotteries and bets over the Internet are presently allowed under the Swiss law.

It is being felt that without regulation, the black market is growing, the players are unprotected and the states go away empty-handed. Not only tax money is staying out of the monopoly jurisdiction but also the gamblers and players are endangered by the uncontrolled offer.

The proposal would relax current restrictions by offering a yet-to-be-defined number of licences to companies registered in the country, with the resulting gaming products to be offered only to Swiss residents. In parallel, Swiss government would prosecute any unlicenced operators that continue doing business with Swiss citizens.

Also, it has emerged that the government intends to uphold a ban on gambling over the telephone and interactive television, according to a statement.

The change in the law is subject to approval by the Parliament.

Proposition de loi relative aux dispositifs d’assistance aux joueurs dans le cadre des jeux de hasard

April 21, 2009 News & Reports

Dans le débat qui s’est ouvert suite à la décision du Gouvernement français d’ouvrir le marché des jeux de hasard en ligne, la question de l’addiction a été soulevée comme l’un des problèmes majeurs qu’il était nécessaire de traiter en priorité.

Témoignent de ce souci les nombreuses questions parlementaires sur les intentions du Gouvernement afin de circonscrire le problème dans un contexte de multiplication de l’offre de jeu. Les réponses du Gouvernement expriment l’absence ou la faiblesse de données scientifiques disponibles à ce sujet. … Continue Reading


April 21, 2009 2009

An overview of the Italian Gaming Affiliate Market

Over the last couple of years the Italian affiliate business has undergone major changes which coincided with the progressive opening up of the domestic gaming market in the wake of the sector liberalisation implemented by the local authorities in the summer 2006.

Notably the summer 2006 reform legalised for the first time ever in Italy such brand new games like remote skill games and betting exchange and paved the way for the introduction shortly thereafter of a restricted and lighter type of real money poker in the form of online poker (and indeed other card games) tournaments which were in fact granted regulatory status of skill-based games.

In addition to the introduction of new games a licence tender was called in October 2006 by the Italian regulatory body (“AAMS”) for the award of nearly 14.000 fresh betting outlet licences as well as an unlimited number of pure remote gaming licences covering sports and horserace betting, skill games and instant lotteries.

The licence tender was launched in October 2006. Two and a half years on, the Italian gaming market looks a very crowded arena where competition is fierce and all top names of the online gaming business with very few exceptions are now holding an Italian gaming licence. Following legalisation and regulation of online poker tournaments during the course of 2007 also some of the biggest poker rooms like Poker Stars and Party Gaming since got an AAMS licence and other important poker operators too are understood to be on the verge of applying for a licence in Italy.

The unprecedented legislative and regulatory changes that in such a short period of time so deeply affected and reshaped the domestic gaming market obviously had a dramatic impact also on the affiliate business. Indeed the introduction of new games and the legalisation of remote gaming altogether freed up a lot of new and lucrative business opportunities for offline and online media companies enabling them to offer their services, virtually with no restrictions. for purposes of advertising, marketing and promoting AAMS-licensed operators.

Particularly for those AAMS-licensed companies who are totally newcomers to the Italian market but also for some licensed operators whose names equally appear in the AAMS official blacklist of foreign-based, illegal ‘.com’ sites, building their brands, enhancing their visibility and promoting their ‘.it’ legal business is essential. Hence strategic affiliations with the right sector magazines, portals, testimonials, etc. are one of the keys to a successful and speedy market entry. Affiliates can in turn carry out their job in quite a safe and legally correct way provided few basic rules are strictly complied with which can be summarised as follows:

1. Promote and procure business only to those gaming companies that do hold an AAMS licence. Affiliates should in fact be aware that notwithstanding various rulings handed down over the past few years by the European Court of Justice (in re Gambelli, in re Placanica, etc) under the European law theory of the free offer of services across the border, the mere fact that a company might hold a gaming licence granted in another EU jurisdiction is not just enough to entitle it to carry on business in Italy without thereby running into trouble with the local law enforcement authorities

2. Even if the affiliating company is licensed in Italy, the gaming services it can actually offer are not unrestricted. Let alone the only four brick-and-mortar Italian off-licence casinos, elsewhere there still is in place a gambling ban which covers casino, roulette, Vegas-style slots, poker and other cash games (but not online poker tournaments which are eligible for skill game classification). In the case of a company holding an AAMS-granted remote gaming licence the games that can actually be promoted, advertised and marketed (whether directly and/or via its affiliate network) are sports and horserace betting, skill games and instant lotteries. When later this year new and more European-friendly remote gaming rules will be implemented, subject to payment of an extra €50.000 licence fee online bingo too will be added to said list

3. No matter the money at stake, do avoid acting in Italy as the official representative of a gaming company unlicensed yet equally soliciting ‘.com’ business locally. This might expose a local affiliate to the risk of being possibly prosecuted in Italy and because a foreign-based company is not supposed to have any physical presence nor official company representatives, its local affiliate guy could ultimately stand all liabilities in case something should go wrong

4. Make sure you know the actual rules of the game. It might look an easy slogan but it is quite not. By way of instance, since AAMS legalised and regulated online poker tournaments, many Italian poker clubs and other event promoters started organising live poker tournaments on the totally wrong assumption that even offline poker tournaments were affected by the liberalisation, which actually was not at all the case. Actually a regulation of live poker tournaments is in the Italian regulator’s pipeline however when it is enacted (hopefully later this year) offline poker will still be covered by a separate set of rules. Until then though live poker tournaments will remain in a grey regulatory limbo and an Italian affiliate of the poker company promoting it might well end up in trouble with the law enforcement authorities

5. Quick tip marketing/advertising-wise. Let alone the underage gambling ban and the quite standard responsible gambling caveats, there virtually are no advertising/marketing restrictions provided the affiliating company operates in Italy under the umbrella of an AAMS licence.

Quirino Mancini, partner
Sinisi Ceschini Mancini (

Lack of regulations contributes to the appearance of fraud and addicted players – Interview with Santiago Asensi, Partner, Asensi Abogados

April 15, 2009 2009

The recent suggestion asking the member states to hold talks on a “political solution” for online gambling-related problems instead of calling for a new legislation by the European Commission hasn’t gone well with a certain section of the industry.

And one of the main points of contention is related to the interests of those, who have deeply ingrained anti-gambling prejudices and, of course, ones with vested interests that are opposed to the opening up of markets in the EU.

In the context of MEPs having a huge majority voted against creating an EU-wide single market for online gambling, Santiago Asensi, Partner, Asensi Abogados, says the branding of the sector as a risk-factor in fraud and addiction does not benefit anyone.

“Currently, to maintain that the online gaming industry is built over that basis is absolutely unfair. This is a very poor argument used from long ago to justify state monopolies. The only factor that contributes to the appearance of fraud and addicted players is the lack of regulations, which is exactly the opposite of what the online sector is claiming for. It is a simple formula: the less regulated is the sector, greater opportunities for the “pirate portals”,” says Asensi.

“From a legal perspective, it seems that the Deputies that have voted in favour of the Schaldemose report are missing what the article 49 of the EC Treaty establishes and the interpretation of said article made by the ECJ in Gambelli and Placanica cases. Hopefully, this decision should not have any type of practical consequences, at least, in a short term,” he said, adding that in this regard, the Spanish regulators or politicians have not announced any step in favour of or against this report.

Asensi further says that unfortunately, the result of the ballot in the Schaldemose report is showing how far we are of an EU harmonised legislation.

“However, this result should cause a reaction in the stratum of the gaming industry: this is the right time for lobbiying and keep adding more pressure. The arguments that support the Schaldemose report are quite weak from a technical point of view and, obviously, this represents a clear opportunity in any legal battle,” he said.

Asensi also provide an update on the latest developments in Spain, the current approach of the established players from the region and much more. Excerpts:

Previously you had indicated that in accordance with the Law 56/07 on measures to develop the Information Society, Spain is preparing a new gaming law, which would be totally focused on the online market. What’s the latest on this or has there been any other significant development?

After the Act 56/2007, which was passed in December 2007, the Sectorial Gaming Commission (SGC), the body that groups all the gaming authorities from the state and all the different autonomous communities, celebrated its first meeting with regards to this question in June 2008. It was approved that LAE (the State Lotteries Monopoly) should take care of the reaction of the first draft. Since then, and further than what represents to act at the same time as operator and regulator, LAE has not involved any of the communities in this matter, even the creation of workgroups to report and support LAE’s draft was also approved in the same meeting.

As the time is passing by, the expectation about LAE’s first draft is exponentially increasing, not just between the gaming operators, mainly by rest of the agents that form the SGC. It is inexplicable why LAE is showing such inscrutability, not sharing any information of the draft of the bill with any of the rest of the SGC members. Moreover, this attitude is producing some unexpected reactions between the Spanish communities like Castilla-Leon and La Rioja, which have announced their own online gaming regulations, which, from my perspective, would be an enormous mistake.

How do you think companies need to approach a market like Spain at this juncture? What sort of advice would you give to them for encashing on opportunities in an earnest manner?

Even as the legal scenario still needs to be totally clarified, it’s a good moment for those companies that are not in the Spanish market yet to start to take positions. Frankly, I do not think that any of the online regional regulations announced will finally take place since none operator is interested in developing its activity on a regional basis. Sooner than later, the Federal regulation should impose to any regional one and, in this regard, the Act 56/07 is absolutely clear about licenses granted in the EU: they will be recognised in Spain.

My view is that the main debate should not be taking place at the absurd battle of “regional versus federal regulations”. Following the steps of the UK Gambling Act 2005, the inclusion of a white-list criteria that allows operators granted in other jurisdictions different than the EU to act in the Spanish market, as far as they reach and fulfill the appropriate standard levels in the main matters (protection of minors and the youth, compulsive players, data protection, advertising, etc.), is a much more interesting topic.

Thus, if a non EU gaming jurisdiction has enough credentials to be white-listed, it would make no sense to not allow the participation of its licenced operators in the Spanish gaming scenario.

Italy, along with parts of Spain, has been targeted by several British bookmakers as the government has begun to liberalise its betting shop industry. But in July last year, William Hill withdrew from Italy after 18 months, writing off £1m and agreeing to sell its embryonic joint venture. In this context, how do you think some of the relatively bigger and established gaming and betting companies are going to approach a market like Spain in the time to come?

At this stage, it should also be pointed out the experiences that companies like William Hill are having in the Madrid Community or the Basque Country at the moment is through JV with Spanish operators. From my perspective, this is a very good way to enter in new territories. While the British operator contributes with the know-how and the experience in the sports betting sector, the local partnership adds its knowledge of the market and network. In any case, I believe that this formula is at a very early stage to reach any final conclusion.

Also, how do you assess the current environment for international players especially the sponsorship initiatives of gambling companies? Also, in your opinion, which are the ways in which international gambling operators currently targeting consumers in Spain?

At this stage, I think there is no doubt at all that the gaming industry is giving a great helping hand to sectors like sport clubs and the advertising industry trough sponsorships, marketing campaigns, etc.

The international gambling operators are targeting consumers in Spain depending on the product that each one of them commercialises in.

While most of Bingo portals focus their marketing activity in online portals, sports betting operators look for opportunities in football or other sports.

In this regard, poker operators are opening the doors of TV advertising which was unthinkable earlier.

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