SiGMA Advertising Panel: European Gaming Lawyers Frustrated With Ad Restrictions

Gaming lawyers shared their frustrations during an advertising panel at SiGMA A Netherlands lawyer said he expects the country could implement a blanket ad ban Dr Hambach said ad limits are shrinking the legal German market, aiding illegal sites Industry experts have had their say on the impact of gaming advertising restrictions in Europe during […]

Global Gaming Expo (G2E) 2023

Host: American Gaming Association Location: Las Vegas, California, USA Date: 9 – 12 October 2023

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+++ MEET ALL GAMINGLAW.EU MEMBERS AT THE NEXT EVENTS +++ +++ MEET INDIVIDUAL GAMINGLAW.EU MEMBERS AT THE NEXT EVENTS +++ ___________________________________________________________________________ PARTNERS AND FOUNDERS OF GAMINGLAW.EU AND THEIR DIRECT PA CONTACTS Santiago Asensi (Asensi Abogados, Spain) PA to Santiago Asensi: Kerry Ruddle T. + 34 971 90 92 19 E. Dr. Wulf Hambach (Hambach […]


THE GAMINGLAW.EU FOUNDERS – LEADERS IN THEIR FIELD: The member firms of act, whether individually or collectively, as the first port of call and reference for C-level executives, boardrooms and in-house legal counsels. The member firms of are advisors to the entire spectrum of companies active in the gaming “ecosystem”: land based and remote gaming […]

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Interview with Dr. Wulf Hambach: The licensing model is the best way for Europe

June 5, 2009 2009

published on, 2009-04-01

In your opinion, how should online gaming be regulated?

I think the licensing model is the best way for Europe. If we have 27 different licensing regimes there would be no problem for the offline world to regulate those 27 different jurisdictions but when it comes to online cross border and gaming, the best would be to have a licensing regime, which partially recognizes the existing licenses. So that’s the best way for taxation on one side and, on the other, the control body needs to be in the country where the license originates, for example Gibraltar, Malta.

Do you recognise any regulatory model for online gaming as a good one and what are its main features?

I think the UK model is most favourable but unfortunately the tax rate there is too high so that a lot of companies will not stay in the UK. However a very good thing is the UK still controls existing licenses by a white list approach, especially when it comes to advertising. So if an operator who comes from Alderney, for example wants to advertise in the UK, the UK regulator will look at the advertising restrictions and find out that Alderney is white listed, so the operator’s license shall be fully recognized and he is allowed to advertise. However the UK Gambling Commission and the Advertising department can still control advertising.

How can the player and the legitimate interests of the operators and the state be protected in online gaming?

Definitely by strong a strong legal framework and by taxation that is leading the fight against gaming addiction. On one hand the gaming taxation office collecting money has to be sure that there are enough funds allocated to projects for fighting gaming addiction. On the other hand, the operators need to be controlled with respect to fraud prevention. At the moment I think that existing EU jurisdictions and the fraud legislation standards are at a very high level. The other thing the operators should assure is that one player is not harming the others by manipulating software or using pots, poker rooms etc. in an Online Poker room for example. The gaming regulator should take care that the operators themselves implement enough measures to achieve enough protection.

How do you see the future of online gaming?

Right now there is always going be a struggle between the states for their interest into collecting money from the gaming sector. This interest will last for the next years also. Most of the European countries will offer a licensing regime, like Italy and Spain for example. This is the trend that cannot be stopped when we come to Internet gaming. The monopoly approach or total Internet gambling ban is not the future.

For further informations please see the website of

Colloque “Jeux de hasard et d’argent : nouvelle donne, nouvelle politique ?”

June 2, 2009 News & Reports

Ce colloque s’est tenu le 11 mai au Sénat sous l’initiative du Sénateur Nicolas About et du Ministre du Budget Eric Woerth. Thibault Verbiest (caninet ULYS) a participé à la première table ronde sur la montée en puissance des jeux en ligne.

Voici le sommaire des actes du colloque qui se trouvent en annexe (pdf) … Continue Reading

Enforcement of the Interstate Treaty on Gambling in Germany – killer or a toothless tiger?

May 26, 2009 2009

published in the Euroean Gaming Lawyer in association with InterGaming magazine, Volume 1, Issue 1, spring 2009 by attorney-at-law Dr Wulf Hambach (founding partner) and Susanna Münstermann (senior associate) of law firm Hambach & Hambach

Dr Wulf Hambach is a partner and cofounder of the law firm Hambach and Hambach Rechtsanwaelte, (, a specialised law boutique for advice on German and international law in the fields of telecommunications, IT, media and entertainment, with a special focus on gaming law. For several years Hambach has been a General Member of the International Masters of Gaming Law as well as member of the International Association of Gaming Advisors. Furthermore, he is co-founder of the European portal on gaming and gambling law In 2008 he was recommended as the number one in German gaming law by the independent ranking commentary Chambers and Partners. Recently he was named as Lawyer of the Year 2008 by the World Online Gambling Law Report, the leading sector publication. He can be reached at

Susanna Münstermann studied law in Munich, specialising in European law and international public law. She gathered experience abroad in various places, including one year at the Università degli Studi di Verona, Italy. During her apprenticeship to the bar, she worked for a renowned law firm in Paris and for a lobby group in Brussels. Before joining Hambach and Hambach, she worked as legal adviser for the European Consumer Centre Germany and subsequently as project director for the eCommerce Contact Point Germany. Both these are located at the Franco-German consumer organisation Euro-Info-Verbraucher e.V. in Kehl, Germany, near Strasbourg, France. She specialises in media and entertainment law, information technology law and European and international private law.

Only a few days before the Interstate Treaty on Gambling (Glücksspielstaatsvertrag – GlüStV), with its total ban on internet gambling in Germany became effective, one of Germany´s leading internet security experts, Rolf vom Stein, put it in a nutshell.

He described the technical limits of internet censorship (keyword: ban on internet gambling) during an IT and banking expert panel in Cologne as follows: “The attempt to block the internet contradicts technical reality. The internet treats any form of censorship as an error and will find ways to bypass it.

“All established methods for the blocking of websites are complex and technically fragmentary. Also, blocking measures can be prevented or bypassed very easily by new technical developments (Web 2.0), through simple modifications by the providers or sometimes even through unaware steps taken by the users.”

However, from January 1, 2008, internet gambling offers are prohibited by law.

Consequently the German Federal Government’s statement in the infringement proceedings (No. 2007/4866) against the ITG dated May 20, 2008 (par. 64) says with regard to gambling offers: “Germany assumes that the internet providers, the banks and the banks’ associations whose support will be necessary for the implementation of this prohibition will, of their own accord, accept the prohibition as justified and will support the German states in the implementation of
their policies.”

What has been said so far sounds indeed as if the GlüStV and its enforcement tools (ISP and financial blocking) are indeed a killer for the private e-gambling industry.

Now to the crucial question: do the legal and technical experts see these enforcement tools also as a killer for the private e-gambling industry or more as a toothless tiger?

Blocking orders or voluntary self commitment by access providers

From 2009 onwards, the intention is to strictly monitor the internet prohibition. Recent press releases show that foreign internet offers are now meant to be blocked by corresponding orders against the access providers. In some cases, access to the offers could already be blocked by taking action against the Admin-C or the registrar.

Apart from this demand the discussion about website blocking is dominated by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, as Mrs von der Leyen started her initiative “to block the data highway of child pornography” last November and hustles the German access providers into a “voluntary” self commitment. The access providers fear that this voluntary self commitment could give rise to a host of new demands – and with regard to the previous discussions with the gambling supervisory authorities they do have cause for concern.

Especially as neither the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs nor the gambling supervisory authorities have taken into account the existing expert opinions:

First of all, the Commission for the Protection of Minors in the Media (KJM) has commissioned two studies dealing with the feasibility of website blocking from the technical and legal side.

Expert opinions: legal and technical difficulties

Professor Sieber (legal expert) came to the following conclusion: “The present legal situation does not allow any blocking measures which would interfere with the secrecy of telecommunications as provided for in Art. 10 GG (German Constitution), section 88 TKG (German Telecommunications Act).”

Professor Pfitzmann examined the technical side for KJM and came to the result: “Summing up, one can state that blocking on the internet is feasible in principle. However, it is often connected with considerable (and usually unforeseeable) side-effects.”

Second, also the BVDW (Federal Association Digital Industry) published an expert opinion that comes to the conclusion that due to the legal requirements of the German Telecommunication Act there is no legal basis for voluntary website blocking by access providers.

This result is also – last but not least – supported by the scientific service of the German Bundestag, but Mrs von der Leyen remains unimpressed. In her opinion the signal effect is worth all costs and administrative efforts (for the access providers) and considering child pornography all legal or technical arguments are negligible. In fact, some critical arguments of the Ministry of the Interior seem to have been lost in the heat of the battle and were not adopted in the common position of the Ministries of the Interior, Economics and Family Affairs.

Access provider: neutral gateway to the internet or deputy sheriff?

In the middle of this political discussion the access providers are desperately referring to their neutral role as providers of the entrance to the internet without being responsible for the information transmitted. It remains to be seen if the gambling supervisory authorities will enforce GlüStV by blocking orders in case the initiative of Mrs von der Leyen grinds to a halt and the gambling supervisory authorities cannot profit from any “voluntary” agreement.

But assistance is rendered by the Regional Court of Hamburg. In a recent decision the Regional Court of Hamburg decided about the question whether an access provider can be obliged to block a website with content that is infringing a copyright (disturbance liability). The court elaborates on the complex of technical and legal problems of website blocking and states that even though the technical feasibility is questionable as every DNS blocking is easy to circumvent, it is – in the opinion of the court – only necessary that the access of the user is blocked on its path that the website blocking is disrupting.

However, the court comes to the conclusion that considering the low level of effectiveness (remarkably the judge tried himself to find information in the internet how to circumvent DNS blocking and succeeded in a few minutes) and considering the costs arising from this measure for the access provider, the claim was dismissed as being not reasonable and unfounded.


The internet prohibition of gambling raises many questions. First of all, a conflict of generations becomes apparent, as the internet prohibition is only justified by an unwarranted and diffuse fear of the medium. “The player’s anonymity and the lack of any kind of social control make it seem necessary, under the aspect of preventing gambling addiction, to question the sales channel ‘internet’, for the area beyond sports betting.”

Contrary to this, today’s generation is well aware of the fact that the average internet user is not anonymous and that addiction prevention can be realised much more effectively by the provider of internet games than, for instance, on location at a casino where an individual’s playing behaviour cannot be recorded in a traceable way. Furthermore, the implementation of the prohibition beyond Germany’s borders requires censorship measures which usually are applied by countries such as China and North Korea, but are alien to a democratic and free society.

State supervision of gambling takes the easy way out in this context: by delegating its task of enforcing an internet prohibition to the internet providers, without providing them with feasible and effective action proposals for the implementation. The risk of hitting legal internet services as well due to imprecise blocking measures, and of thus exposing oneself to incalculable risks of damage claims, is simultaneously passed on to the internet providers in an inadmissible way.

It is alarming that the political discussions driven by understandable (child pornography) or doubtful (protection of problem gamblers or fiscal income?) reasons simply ignore all concerns that are outlined by legal and technical experts.

The toothless tiger is trying to threaten banks, access providers and the e-gambling industry. Once the blocking orders are issued and the legality is examined in court the toothless tiger will realise its weakness.

Interview with John Eriksson, Widman & Hannes Snellman Ab – Assessing proposed changes in Finland

May 18, 2009 2009

In January this year, the Finnish state prosecutor – Christer Lundström – gave his decision during the pre-investigation phase against PAF and its representatives.

The Finnish state prosecutor deemed PAF’s Internet gaming operations illegal but decided not to prosecute and waived the charges.

According to the State prosecutor, PAF’s activities were illegal due to the fact that PAF’s gaming site had been translated into Finnish and acknowledged that PAF, in different ways, targeted the Finnish market.

One of the signals that state prosecutors gives to the Finnish gaming market, by waiving the charges against PAF and its representatives, is that the Finnish authorities are waiting for the proposed changes of the Lotteries Act to come into force, says John Eriksson, an associate lawyer at the law firm Widman & Hannes Snellman Ab.

Of late, Finland has been in news for debating a countrywide ban on gambling marketing.

In order to know more, spoke to Eriksson about the current issues. Excerpts:

Could you summarise major developments in your jurisdiction of late as far as online gambling is concerned? How do you foresee online gambling sector opening up?

Considering the recent media occurrences in Finland , it can be concluded that companies in the Finnish media sector believe that – after the proposed amendments of the Finnish Lotteries Act come into force – all advertisement of gaming services has to stop and all foreign newspapers and magazines which include advertisement of gaming services can no longer be sold in Finland.

MTV Oy – one of the biggest multi-media/TV groups in Finland – has already cancelled advertising and other cooperation agreements with gaming providers.

With regard to the pending proposed changes of the Finnish Lotteries Act and the new government report, containing proposals for further strengthening of the gaming monopoly in Finland, it can be concluded that the Finnish gaming system will not open up in the near future.

Can you provide an insight into the proposed changes under the Finnish Lotteries Act and how would this strengthen the Finnish state controlled gaming monopoly and at the same would result in further restrictions of the free movement of services within the Community?

By expanding the definition of marketing in section 4 of the proposed Lotteries Act to include “indirect advertising” and other marketing measures, the Government is also expanding the prohibition in section 62 of the Lotteries Act against marketing and organising gaming services without a licence. These proposed changes also apply on marketing and organising online gaming services.

By also introducing stricter penalties for lottery offences, the Finnish authorities create a more effective system for keeping online gaming operators outside the Finnish market.

Therefore, the proposed changes of the Lotteries Act strengthen the Finnish state controlled gaming monopoly and results in further restrictions of the free movement of services within the Community.

Considering the motives given in the proposition and the fact that the definition of marketing has been expanded, one can make the assumption that the amendment of the prohibition in section 62 of the Lotteries Act will result in that the Finnish authorities – after the proposed changes come into force – will take further actions against media and gaming providers that advertise and/or organise gaming services without a licence for the Finnish market.

It has been stated that one of the reasons behind why the state prosecutor gave his decision in January 2009 was that the Finnish Office of the Chancellor of Justice gave him an ultimatum to end the pre-investigations, which had been pending for two years, before February 2009. How do you expect the stance of the authorities as far as creation of a level playing field for all private players including both within Finland and outside Finland is concerned?

At the moment, there are no plans in Finland to allow any gaming operators established outside Finland to provide any gaming services in the Finnish market.

But after the proposed changes come into force, it will still be legal for any Finnish citizen to play gaming services provided by gaming operators established outside Finland.

You have mentioned that despite the proposed prohibition against marketing of games connected with special risks for gambling problems, such as casino games, the Government gambling associations may continue to expose their brands and addresses to their Internet gambling sites, for instance by offering sponsorship, even after the changes come into force. This demonstrates the inconsistency of the Finnish gambling regulation. Can you expand on the current situation as far as advertising and promotion of online gambling brands in Finland is concerned?

Until now, many online gaming providers advertised their services in Finnish TV-channels aired outside Finland. But due to the proposed changes of the Lotteries Act many multi-media/TV groups in Finland have cancelled advertising and other cooperation agreements with gaming providers.

However, the Government gaming associations in Finland still conduct extensive and aggressive marketing measures of their gambling services yearly. Even though Veikkaus Oy has been criticised by the Commission, the company keeps strengthening its brand by sponsoring and advertising at sales points and sports venues etc.

How has European Commission’s responded to the proposed changes of the Finnish Lotteries Act? What are your expectations going forward?

Hopefully, the European Commission will follow up the submission of comments regarding the proposed changes of the Finnish Lotteries Act – submitted to the Finnish Government on 2 February 2009 – with a reasoned opinion.

Jeu vidéo : quelle place pour la France et l’Europe dans une compétition mondialisée ?

May 15, 2009 News & Reports

Le jeu vidéo exerce un tel pouvoir de fascination qu’il est à la fois chargé de tous les espoirs et de tous les maux. Tous les espoirs quand cette industrie à la fois culturelle et de haute technologie, affiche une croissance insolente et promet de vastes débouchés, non seulement dans le domaine du loisir mais encore dans ceux de l’éducation ou de la santé. Tous les maux, quand le jeu vidéo cristallise le mal être, notamment de certains jeunes, à la recherche de repères et d’un monde qu’ils voudraient plus rassurant. Quand ses grands acteurs délocalisent leur production vers le pays le mieux disant en termes de fiscalité et de contraintes sociales et légales. Ange ou démon, nouvelle bulle ou nouvel éco-système, le jeu vidéo est un secteur industriel aux multiples facettes dont on pressent qu’il jouera un rôle clé, non seulement dans l’économie du XXIème siècle mais dans de nombreux domaines qui vont bien au-delà des loisirs. Ce nouveau rendez-vous, le troisième du genre, a l’ambition de faire le point sur ces questions et de contribuer à la mise en oeuvre d’une politique industrielle pertinente et d’un cadre juridique adapté pour que la France et l’Europe gardent une place de premier plan dans ce secteur devenu, à bien des égards, stratégique. … Continue Reading

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