SiGMA Advertising Panel: European Gaming Lawyers Frustrated With Ad Restrictions

Gaming lawyers shared their frustrations during an advertising panel at SiGMA A Netherlands lawyer said he expects the country could implement a blanket ad ban Dr Hambach said ad limits are shrinking the legal German market, aiding illegal sites Industry experts have had their say on the impact of gaming advertising restrictions in Europe during […]

Global Gaming Expo (G2E) 2023

Host: American Gaming Association Location: Las Vegas, California, USA Date: 9 – 12 October 2023

Meet the Team

+++ MEET ALL GAMINGLAW.EU MEMBERS AT THE NEXT EVENTS +++ +++ MEET INDIVIDUAL GAMINGLAW.EU MEMBERS AT THE NEXT EVENTS +++ ___________________________________________________________________________ PARTNERS AND FOUNDERS OF GAMINGLAW.EU AND THEIR DIRECT PA CONTACTS Santiago Asensi (Asensi Abogados, Spain) PA to Santiago Asensi: Kerry Ruddle T. + 34 971 90 92 19 E. Dr. Wulf Hambach (Hambach […]


THE GAMINGLAW.EU FOUNDERS – LEADERS IN THEIR FIELD: The member firms of act, whether individually or collectively, as the first port of call and reference for C-level executives, boardrooms and in-house legal counsels. The member firms of are advisors to the entire spectrum of companies active in the gaming “ecosystem”: land based and remote gaming […]

Recent Articles:

Rencontre parlementaire “Jeux en ligne, éthique, sports, information

March 7, 2010 News & Reports, 2010

Cette rencontre parlementaire, à l’intiative de Monsieur le Député Yves Censi, s’est tenue à l’assemblée nationale le 30 septembre 2009.

Le projet de loi relatif à l’ouverture à la concurrence et à la régulation du secteur des jeux en ligne doit être examiné par l’Assemblée Nationale au début du mois d’octobre. C’est dans cette optique que Yves Censi a désiré ouvrir les débats.

En voici la synthèse:

La nouvelle legislation belge sur les jeux de hasard

March 2, 2010 News & Reports, 2010

La Chambre des représentants a adopté, le 3 décembre 2009, la nouvelle législation belge relative aux jeux de hasard. Celle-ci n’est pas encore publiée au Moniteur belge. La nouvelle législation devrait entrer en vigueur le 1er janvier 2011 au plus tard.

Les objectifs principalement poursuivis par la présente loi sont au nombre de trois :

  • Des modifications substantielles de la Commission des jeux de hasard, notamment en ce qui concerne son organisation et un accroissement de son pouvoir de sanction.
  • Une régulation cohérente de la législation sur les jeux de hasard.
  • Une extension du champ d’application de la loi sur les jeux de hasard aux jeux de hasard offerts par le biais des instruments de la société de l’information (dont internet), aux jeux médias et aux paris.

Harris Hagan February Newsletter

February 15, 2010 News & Reports, 2010

Inside this issue

  1. In brief
  2. New Jersey
  3. France update
  4. Germany—raffles
  5. Germany treaty
  6. Data transfer
  7. Advertising software
  8. Online contract terms
  9. Sports integrity
  10. Skill machines—UK


Harris Hagan January Newsletter

February 12, 2010 News & Reports, 2010

Inside this issue

  1. European developments
  2. New company form
  3. Product placement
  4. Consumer protection
  5. Prize competitions
  6. Rank VAT claim
  7. Jersey Gambling Commission


UK’s Remote Gambling Regime To Be Reviewed In Light Of Rapid Technological Advances

February 4, 2010 News & Reports, 2010

In April 2009, the UK Minister for Sport announced that in response to the “rapid technological advances in online gambling”, the UK Government was going to explore a range of measures to ensure that British licensees were competing on a level-playing field with their overseas competitors. The DCMS said at the time that the Government would be looking to make the regulatory system fairer for UK licensed operators, but would also be working with the Gambling Commission on a number of issues such as recouping regulatory costs, obtaining funding for research into problem gambling in the UK and contributions to the Horserace Betting Levy (the annual fee which is collected from bookmakers and used to support the horseracing industry).

Whitelist operators who were advertising their services in the UK were singled out in the announcement as under the current system they benefit from a regime which allows them to advertise in the UK if they are based within the European Economic Area, Gibraltar or in one of the jurisdictions included on the Whitelist. Inclusion on the Whitelist also means that operators do not pay any levy on horseracing bets or wagers.

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