SiGMA Advertising Panel: European Gaming Lawyers Frustrated With Ad Restrictions

Gaming lawyers shared their frustrations during an advertising panel at SiGMA A Netherlands lawyer said he expects the country could implement a blanket ad ban Dr Hambach said ad limits are shrinking the legal German market, aiding illegal sites Industry experts have had their say on the impact of gaming advertising restrictions in Europe during […]

Global Gaming Expo (G2E) 2023

Host: American Gaming Association Location: Las Vegas, California, USA Date: 9 – 12 October 2023

Meet the Team

+++ MEET ALL GAMINGLAW.EU MEMBERS AT THE NEXT EVENTS +++ +++ MEET INDIVIDUAL GAMINGLAW.EU MEMBERS AT THE NEXT EVENTS +++ ___________________________________________________________________________ PARTNERS AND FOUNDERS OF GAMINGLAW.EU AND THEIR DIRECT PA CONTACTS Santiago Asensi (Asensi Abogados, Spain) PA to Santiago Asensi: Kerry Ruddle T. + 34 971 90 92 19 E. Dr. Wulf Hambach (Hambach […]


THE GAMINGLAW.EU FOUNDERS – LEADERS IN THEIR FIELD: The member firms of act, whether individually or collectively, as the first port of call and reference for C-level executives, boardrooms and in-house legal counsels. The member firms of are advisors to the entire spectrum of companies active in the gaming “ecosystem”: land based and remote gaming […]

Recent Articles:

The Engelmann ruling and its implications on Austria

January 24, 2011 News & Reports

By Attorney-at-law Dr. Arthur Stadler and scientific assistant Nicholas Aquilina from our

Austrian co-operation partner Brandl & Talos law firm.

A year and a day after the European Court of Justice (“ECJ”) had ruled on the Portuguese case C-42/07, Liga Portuguesa and only one day after three judgements in German gaming cases (C-316/07 et al, Markus Stoß et al, C-46/08, Carmen Media and C-409/06, Winner Wetten), the ECJ issued its judgement on the Austrian case for a preliminary ruling C-64/08, Engelmann on 9 September 2010. The Court holds that certain provisions in the Austrian Gaming Act and “the total absence of transparency for the purposes of the grant of the concessions” to the Austrian de-facto monopolist casino operator, Casinos Austria AG (“CASAG”), are contrary to EU law. … Continue Reading

Corruption in Sports: the French position

January 24, 2011 News & Reports

Corruption[1] in Sports: the French position

by Alexandre Manasterski and Michael Camilleri

Six months after the enactment of the Law on the Opening Up to Competition and Regulation of the French Online Gambling Market, the French Government entered into the second phase of its scheme. This seeks to limit the potential negative consequences of the liberalisation and the risks of corruption in sport by implementing new rules and procedures. How is corruption in sports understood in France? What is the French answer to sports corruption? … Continue Reading

Reform online gambling legislation in the Netherlands?

January 21, 2011 News & Reports


By Attorney-at-law Justin Franssen and Attorney-at-law Frank Tolboom, VMW Taxand Gaming Practise Group.




The legal basis of the Dutch gaming policy can be found in the Dutch Betting and Gaming Act 1964 (hereinafter: “Gaming Act”). The Gaming Act stipulates that offering games of chance or promoting games of chance without a licence is prohibited. The Gaming Act includes an enumeration of the specific games for which a licence can be granted. The only types of licence available are those expressly stated in the Gaming Act and currently does not include remote gambling licences. Therefore, all forms of remote gambling are currently prohibited in the Netherlands.

… Continue Reading

What is the position of German legal science regarding the decisive issues after the ECJ’s judgments of 8 September 2010?

January 20, 2011 News & Reports

By Attorney-at-law Dr. Stefan Bolay, Hambach & Hambach law firm

An analysis of the following essays: Streinz/Kruis: „Unionsrechtliche Vorgaben und mitgliedstaatliche Gestaltungsspielräume im Bereich des Glücksspielrechts“ (Requirements under union law and discretion of the member states with regard to the design of gambling law) (NJW 2010, 3745 et seq.) and Heine: „Glücksspielstaatsvertrag ade? – Zur Bedeutung der jüngsten EuGH-Rechtsprechung“ (Goodbye to the Inter-State Treaty on Gambling? – On the consequences of the latest ECJ judgments) (NJW-aktuell 41/2010, 16 et seq.)

1. Are the ECJ’s judgments binding for the national courts, meaning that these courts will have to decide that the German gambling monopoly does breach union law? … Continue Reading

Combating Cybercrime – ICE 2011 / 25th of January 2011

January 17, 2011 Events

Combating Cybercrime/ICE 2011
Date: 25th of January 2011
Location: Earls Court, London, UK
Link: … Continue Reading

Legal Gaming in Europe Summit 2013 – Summary Day 1

Legal Gaming in Europe Summit 2013 Day 1 Summary Video

Video: International Gaming Law Summit 2011 Highlights

International Gaming Law Summit 2011 Highlights Video


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