IAGA International Gaming Summit

Host: IAGA
Location: New York City
Date: 30 May – 1 June 2017
By Dr. Wulf Hambach, Founding Partner and Phillip Beumer, Junior Partner at Hambach & Hambach law firm When Germany’s Interstate Treaty on Gambling (Glücksspielstaatsvertrag) came into force on July 1, 2021, it was presented as a turning point for the regulation of online gambling. Daniel Hagemeier, a member of the governing CDU party in North […]
Host: American Gaming Association Location: Las Vegas, California, USA Date: 9 – 12 October 2023 https://www.globalgamingexpo.com/
+++ MEET ALL GAMINGLAW.EU MEMBERS AT THE NEXT EVENTS +++ +++ MEET INDIVIDUAL GAMINGLAW.EU MEMBERS AT THE NEXT EVENTS +++ ___________________________________________________________________________ PARTNERS AND FOUNDERS OF GAMINGLAW.EU AND THEIR DIRECT PA CONTACTS Santiago Asensi (Asensi Abogados, Spain) PA to Santiago Asensi: Kerry Ruddle T. + 34 971 90 92 19 E. kerry@asensi.es Dr. Wulf Hambach (Hambach […]
THE GAMINGLAW.EU FOUNDERS – LEADERS IN THEIR FIELD: The member firms of GamingLaw.eu act, whether individually or collectively, as the first port of call and reference for C-level executives, boardrooms and in-house legal counsels. The member firms of Gaminglaw.eu are advisors to the entire spectrum of companies active in the gaming “ecosystem”: land based and remote gaming […]
Host: IAGA
Location: New York City
Date: 30 May – 1 June 2017
Host: Clarion Events
Location: London
Date: 7 – 9 February 2017
Justin Franssen will be speaking at European Online Gaming Froum on 6th February. Hear insight, analysis, discussion and solutions for pre-empting and dealing with the ongoing compliance demands and the potential risk of falling on the wrong side of the authorities.
Join him and benefit from a 15% conference discount when quoting the discount code P15-999-SPK17 at the time of registration.
See the full agenda and speaker faculty at https://www.c5-online.com/EuropeanGaming