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New French Gaming Legislation: Requirements Imposed on Operators by the Cahier des Charges

April 7, 2010 News & Reports

On March 1st, 2010, the ARJEL (the newly-created National Regulatory Authority of the French online gambling market) has issued a Draft Specification Requirements List (Cahier des Charges in French, hereinafter referred to as the “Requirements List”) which provides the reader with useful guidance with respect to the definitive outlook of the Requirements List. It is worth recalling that the goal of the Requirements List is to provide for the conditions which must be fulfilled by online gambling operators willing to obtain a license to offer games of chance to French consumers. It is on the basis of the guidance provided in the aforementioned Requirements List that potential applicants for a license can prepare their licensing application file. … Continue Reading

New UK Licence Requirements

March 23, 2010 News & Reports, 2010

The Government has today released a consultation document on the regulatory future of remote gambling in Great Britain. The Government’s preferred option is to introduce a statutory requirement for online gambling operators licensed within the EEA, Gibraltar and white listed jurisdictions to obtain a licence from the UK gambling Commission if they wish to transact with British consumers and/or advertise to the UK. A 12 week consultation period begins today but, in view of the terms in which the consultation is drafted, we believe it is almost certain that the Government’s final decision will be to introduce the proposed UK licence requirement. … Continue Reading

Harris Hagan March Newsletter

March 22, 2010 News & Reports, 2010

Inside this issue

  • France: verification requirements
  • Florida: proposal for online poker
  • Gambling News in Brief
  • Fixed Term consumer contracts
  • Credit crunch as force majeure
  • EU: New Consumer Rights
  • UK Gambling Advertising


Video Lottery Terminals in Italy

March 14, 2010 News & Reports, 2010

The gaming industry in Italy has seen profits soar over the last 5-6 years, with the introduction of new regulations aimed at expanding betting opportunities for Italian gamblers. With more than €8bn generated in tax revenues every year from a total gaming turnover of nearly €50bn, it is little surprise that the government is becoming increasingly reliant on this sector to provide money for otherwise depleted state coffers.

Further to the tremendous success achieved by the introduction of State-monitored street-AWPs and a pioneering licensing regime for online operators, Video Lottery Terminals are the latest category of products to emerge as an opportunity in the Italian market. Alas, not without a healthy deal of Italian drama. … Continue Reading

The New Belgian Gaming Legislation: B2B Model For Online Gambling Operators*

March 12, 2010 News & Reports, 2010

On December 3rd, 2009 the Lower Chamber of the Belgian Parliament adopted the New Belgian Gaming Legislation (hereinafter referred to as the “Gaming Law”). The Gaming Law has been passed without any substantial amendments , notwithstanding the EU Commission’s objections with regard to some of the core provisions of the Gaming Law. The Gaming Law has been published in the Belgian Official Gazette on February 1st, 2010: it should enter into force by January 1st, 2011 at the latest, even though Implementing Regulations (Royal Decrees of Execution) may provide for some provisions to enter into force earlier. This article will briefly discuss the Gaming Law’s main features and will draw some conclusions as regards its application to new entrants on the Belgian online gambling market.

… Continue Reading

Legal Gaming in Europe Summit 2013 – Summary Day 1

Legal Gaming in Europe Summit 2013 Day 1 Summary Video

Video: International Gaming Law Summit 2011 Highlights

International Gaming Law Summit 2011 Highlights Video

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