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xThe Interface Between Ex Ante Online Gambling Sector-Specific Regulation And Ex Post Competition Rules: Legal Analysis Of The French Model

November 4, 2010 News & Reports

In spite of the criticism expressed regarding the application of the Law 2010-476 of May 12, 2010 on the Opening Up To Competition And Regulation Of The French Online Gambling Market (hereinafter referred to as the “Gaming Law”), one may contend that the French Government has attained its goal of fighting against money laundering, gambling addiction and unlawful online gaming offer. It took only few weeks for the newly-created National Regulatory Authority entrusted with the task of regulating the online gaming market in France (hereinafter referred to as the “ARJEL”) to show its effectiveness in the smooth enforcement of both the Gaming Law … Continue Reading

Spain: first guidelines about the future of online regulation

October 12, 2010 News & Reports

By Santiago Asensi of Asensi Abogados, article published first in European Gaming Lawyer magazine, Autumn issue 2010.

After almost three years since the Ley 56/07 de Madidas de Impulso de la Sociead de la Información – Law on Measures to Develop the Information Society – saw the light, establishing the six principles that will govern the future of online gaming regulation, Spain continues to be „lost in translation“ with regard to this gaming sector.

On several occasions in the last few months, there have been rumours saying that the first draft on online gaming was about to be circulated. Some even said that the law was going to be enacted before the FIFA World Cup, in order to benefit the sector. However, the reality is that our administration is not progressing at all on this matter. … Continue Reading

ECJ judgment in the Betfair and Ladbrokes cases: new exception to the applicability of the transparency principle in the gaming sector?

October 12, 2010 News & Reports

By Justin Franssen, attorney at law, and Frank Tolboom, legal assistant, VMW Taxand, Netherlands, article first published in European Gaming Lawyer magazine, Autumn issue 2010 p. 30 – 32.

On June 3, 2010, the ECJ rendered preliminary rulings in the Dutch betting cases Betfair/Minister of Justice (C-203/08) and Ladbrokes/De Lotto (C-258/08) addressing the compatibility of the Dutch gambling legislation with key principles of EU law.

As generally anticipated, the rulings seek alignment with the Bwin/Santa Casa case: member states have a significant margin of discretion with which to define the requisite level of protection and may therefore opt for a single-licence system, provided that the ensuing restrictive measures are objective, non-discriminatory and proportional. … Continue Reading

ECJ judgment in Carmen Media case causes legal chaos in Germany

October 8, 2010 News & Reports

Article by Dr. Wulf Hambach commissioned for and published in European Gaming Lawyer magazine, Autumn issue 2010.

The ECJ’s judgments on the Carmen Media case on September 8 have plunged the German gambling market into legal chaos, as they found that Germany’s regulations did not limit games of chance in a consistent and systematic manner.

The press coverage of the decision was widespread in Germany. The media suggested that the “end of the German gambling monopoly” seems to be inevitable. Examples of headlines and statements of the German press and media were…

“The German monopoly on lotteries and sports betting and other games of chances is inapplicable with immediate effect.” (Tagesspiegel, September 8, 2010).

“Sport betting is now allowed in Germany.” (Sueddeutsche Zeitung, September 9, 2010).

“The European Court of Justice stops the hypocrisy.” (Die Welt, September 9, 2010). “The Germany monopoly on gambling is illegitimate and – even transitionally – not applicable.” (Tagesspiegel, September 9, 2010).

… Continue Reading

Online gambling is to be liberalized. The new Dutch Cabinet, formed by Mark Rutte, believes that in time this will rake in hundreds of million Euros yearly.

October 8, 2010 News & Reports

by Dennis Naaktgeboren

Online gambling is to be liberalized. The new Dutch Cabinet, formed by Mark Rutte, believes that in time this will rake in hundreds of million Euros yearly.

This was today disclosed by sources in The Hague. The right-wing cabinet plans to sell or auction licences to interested companies. The income realised from this has been estimated at an annual figure of 100 million Euro, but ultimately could even be as high as 270 million.
Currently the provision of Internet gaming or lotteries in this country is illegal. Much to the disgruntlement of popular Internet casinos of Ladbrokes, Unibet, PokerStars and PartyPoker. The Justice Department deals severely with banks and credit card companies facilitating payment transactions for foreign gambling sites. … Continue Reading

Legal Gaming in Europe Summit 2013 – Summary Day 1

Legal Gaming in Europe Summit 2013 Day 1 Summary Video

Video: International Gaming Law Summit 2011 Highlights

International Gaming Law Summit 2011 Highlights Video

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