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Economic Summit on the Island of Sylt: Gaming law still is a legislative patchwork

June 3, 2014 News & Reports

By Ansgar Lange

Expert panel: Financial Blocking collides with data protection – Kiel gaming act stands for sustainable security in online gaming

Sylt, May 2014 – Games are a fundamental element of our culture. Human beings are players – and without their desire and ability to play, large parts of our culture could not have developed. However: “Homo ludens”, i.e. “Man the Player”, has a hard time in 2014 if he wants to take part in attractive and legal games in Germany. Responsibility for this lies with the German federal states, with their First Treaty Amending the Inter-State Treaty on Gambling (GlüÄndStV) from 2012, which provides for the licensing of a total of 20 providers on the German betting market. Up to now, no licenses have been issued, parts of a market which is worth billions continues to be unregulated, and there is an alternative in the Schleswig-Holstein Gambling Act which has received high praise internationally whilst being fought within the country itself. … Continue Reading

German Betting Tender Progresses As ECJ Sets Digibet Decision Date

June 3, 2014 News & Reports

By Daniel Mcadam, Gambling Compliance

Europe’s highest court will rule next week on a case into the enforceability of Germany’s internet gambling restrictions, but lawyers believe it is unlikely to disrupt the country’s contentious betting tender as applicants move into the final phase.

The European Court of Justice (ECJ) will release its judgment on June 12 into the Digibet case (C-156/13) about whether Germany’s gambling legislation is inconsistent and breaks EU rules.

The EU judges were asked about the disparity of the Schleswig-Holstein region having an open licensing process compared with a more restrictive system in the rest of the country that bans online casino and poker.

In a complicated scenario, Schleswig-Holstein voted to repeal its gambling law on the same day that the case was referred to the ECJ, but its 48 online casino and betting licences remain in force.

“I can’t imagine the court will say all is fine. Even a legally blind person can see it’s not a coherent situation,” said Wulf Hambach, partner at Hambach & Hambach law firm in Munich.

Read the whole article here or  on www.gamblingcompliance.com

TIME Law News 01|2014

June 3, 2014 News & Reports

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A lack of payment options blights e-commerce in Spain

May 16, 2014 News & Reports

By Carlos Pombo, Associate Asensi Abogados

While e-commerce is gaining traction in Spain, the sector suffers from a lack of available payment options online. While this can be viewed as an obstacle to the growth of e-commerce, it also presents an opportunity for epayment platform providers that are now emerging on the Spanish market. Carlos Pombo, an Associate at Asensi Abogados law firm, discusses the state of Spain’s online  payments market and explains why some e-payment platform providers are currently unregulated under Spanish legislation.

The number of online transactions in Spain has increased by about 15%-20% annually in recent years, and this trend is expected to
continue in the medium and long term. That growth stems from several factors such as, for instance, the high percentage of the population that has access to the internet in Spain, the proliferation of smartphones and tablets, and the gradually increasing confidence on the part of users when it comes to providing their bank details or their credit or debit card details in order to buy goods over the internet.

Read the whole article (published on 17 April 2014) here.


Betting on Italian Football: Is It Still Worth a Business?

May 15, 2014 News & Reports

By Quirino Mancini, Partner, SCM LAWYERS

At a time when Italian football is offering the world its worst face both on and off the pitch as shown also by the recent street riots between Rome FC and Naples FC during the Italian Cup final that took place in Rome in early May, one asks himself if investing on Serie A clubs is still a wise and worth business.  The instinctive answer will probably be negative for many bearing in mind that Italy has now plummeted in the official UEFA ranking, unlike all other first-tier European leagues where the trend of average crowds is upwards, the number of Italian supporters going to the stadium is constantly shrinking, hooliganism and racism are thriving in most football arenas of the Peninsula, and the vast majority of the facilities (starting from the Rome Olympic decrepit stadium) is old, run down and quite unfit for the clubs to be able to offer proper corporate hospitality packages to their sponsors.  … Continue Reading

Legal Gaming in Europe Summit 2013 – Summary Day 1

Legal Gaming in Europe Summit 2013 Day 1 Summary Video

Video: International Gaming Law Summit 2011 Highlights

International Gaming Law Summit 2011 Highlights Video

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