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Reinforcement for the Gaming Practice Group of KKF

November 27, 2015 News & Reports

The Gaming Practice Group of Kalff Katz & Franssen is searching for a reinforcement of their team:

If you want to be part of KKF’s Gaming Group send your CV and motivation letter to the above persons in charge.

Bettertainment – The new magic word for the converged multi-billion Euro markets media, telecommunications and sports betting

November 20, 2015 News & Reports

A panel discussion on Münchner Medientage (Munich Media Days)

The DVTM (German Association for Telecommunication and Medio) introduced in cooperation with the WIK Institute (Academic Institute for Infrastructure and Communications Service) their study „Bettertainment – Economic impact and potential compliance with consumer, data and youth protection“ on a special panel during the Munich Media Days:  http://www.medientage.de/en/kongress/programm/detail/bettertainment/

A German live recording on the website of the Munich Media Days is available here: http://www.medienportal.tv/videos/mediaitem/708-bettertainment-das-neue-zauberwort-fuer-den-konvergenten-milliardenmarkt-medien („Medientage München GmbH / Panel from DVTM“)

To deliver you insight into the study which is available by contacting the WIK Institute just read the English version of the Executive Summary.


GIQ: An unhappy Victory

August 6, 2015 News & Reports

by Robin Harrison, Gaming Intelligence

After Hesse admitted defeat and the ECJ launched an investigation into the licensing process, the end of Germany’s derided State Treaty is closing in.

Read the whole article here.

Gambling Compliance: Germany Loophole Creates US-Style Fantasy Sports Climate

July 22, 2015 News & Reports

by Daniel Macadam

Whereas betting operators believe daily fantasy sports will struggle to replicate US success in the UK and other established markets,  Germany’s regulatory shortfalls may make it a more accessible target.

Betting executives are sceptical about the European appeal of daily fantasy sports, which has thrived in the US thanks to its carve-out from the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act and the absence of regulated sports betting.

Of the large European markets, only Germany has failed to license and regulate sports betting, due to ongoing court disputes three years after the passage of legislation…

Read the whole article here

Source: www.gamblingcompliance.com

WGES 2015 Yacht Party – hosted by Gaminglaw eu

July 14, 2015 News & Reports


We want to thank our guests for being with us and joining us for a great time on board! Please find some impressions by continue reading below. We are looking forward to see you next year!

Santiago, Justin, Quirino, Wulf and Bill


… Continue Reading

Legal Gaming in Europe Summit 2013 – Summary Day 1

Legal Gaming in Europe Summit 2013 Day 1 Summary Video

Video: International Gaming Law Summit 2011 Highlights

International Gaming Law Summit 2011 Highlights Video

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