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Bruges Commercial Court’s Ruling Held Advertising For Games of Chance Is Legal Under Belgian Law

March 12, 2010 News & Reports, 2010

On March 4th, 2010, the Bruges Commercial Court delivered a ruling (not yet made available publicly) in Belgian State v. Club Brugge, Unibet and the Belgian Football Association whereby it held that advertising for games of chance is legal under Belgian law on the grounds of a narrow interpretation of the Belgian Gaming Legislation. Our understanding is that the Belgian Gaming Legislation’s narrow construction by the ruling is consistent with sound principles under Belgian law, under the reasoning mentioned below.
… Continue Reading

Regulation of Online Poker in Russia

March 10, 2010 News & Reports, 2010

by Roman Zykov
Hannes Snellman Attorneys Ltd

30 June 2009 was the last day for the gambling industry and its present format in Russia. As of 1 July 2009, many gambling establishments are supposed to continue their business only in special zones designated by the government, of which there are currently four.


30 June 2009 was the last day for the gambling industry and its present format in Russia. As of 1 July 2009, many gambling establishments are supposed to continue their business only in special zones designated by the government, of which there are currently four.

Various business groups tried to lobby to extend the term for moving the gambling business to the special zones set out by the Games of Chance Law[1] (‘Law’). In defense to the deadline extension it was argued that by moving the deadline the government could safeguard the fiscal revenues out of the gambling tax, which amounted to the total BRUB 26,4 in 2008 and BRUB 31,5 in 2007. Only the Moscow state budget received BRUB 6 in 2008 and BRUB 6,5 in 2007! Nevertheless, this argument did not fly. In the beginning of May, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev announced that the terms are not subject to change.  It is evident that the Law will make the gaming business search for alternative methods of conducting gambling business. One of … Continue Reading

Rencontre parlementaire “Jeux en ligne, éthique, sports, information

March 7, 2010 News & Reports, 2010

Cette rencontre parlementaire, à l’intiative de Monsieur le Député Yves Censi, s’est tenue à l’assemblée nationale le 30 septembre 2009.

Le projet de loi relatif à l’ouverture à la concurrence et à la régulation du secteur des jeux en ligne doit être examiné par l’Assemblée Nationale au début du mois d’octobre. C’est dans cette optique que Yves Censi a désiré ouvrir les débats.

En voici la synthèse:

La nouvelle legislation belge sur les jeux de hasard

March 2, 2010 News & Reports, 2010

La Chambre des représentants a adopté, le 3 décembre 2009, la nouvelle législation belge relative aux jeux de hasard. Celle-ci n’est pas encore publiée au Moniteur belge. La nouvelle législation devrait entrer en vigueur le 1er janvier 2011 au plus tard.

Les objectifs principalement poursuivis par la présente loi sont au nombre de trois :

  • Des modifications substantielles de la Commission des jeux de hasard, notamment en ce qui concerne son organisation et un accroissement de son pouvoir de sanction.
  • Une régulation cohérente de la législation sur les jeux de hasard.
  • Une extension du champ d’application de la loi sur les jeux de hasard aux jeux de hasard offerts par le biais des instruments de la société de l’information (dont internet), aux jeux médias et aux paris.

Harris Hagan February Newsletter

February 15, 2010 News & Reports, 2010

Inside this issue

  1. In brief
  2. New Jersey
  3. France update
  4. Germany—raffles
  5. Germany treaty
  6. Data transfer
  7. Advertising software
  8. Online contract terms
  9. Sports integrity
  10. Skill machines—UK


Legal Gaming in Europe Summit 2013 – Summary Day 1

Legal Gaming in Europe Summit 2013 Day 1 Summary Video

Video: International Gaming Law Summit 2011 Highlights

International Gaming Law Summit 2011 Highlights Video

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