Draft regulation for Online Slots and Exchange Betting games published in the press

February 14, 2014 News & Reports

By Alla Serebrianskaia, Associate, Asensi Abogados

Since that the DGOJ has not established at any time any official timeline regarding the regulatory process for approving Online Slots and Exchange betting games, the gaming industry has been anxiously awaiting during the last weeks the first draft regulations to be published by the DGOJ. It was yesterday, when finally the confidential first draft regulation for online slots and exchange betting games were improperly leaked and published in several Spanish publications. Both draft regulations, after having been drafted solely by the DGOJ, have been circulated among the regional gaming authorities in order to receive their feedback. … Continue Reading

WOGLR: Early reactions to the future Dutch regulatory regime

February 14, 2014 News & Reports

By Alan Littler, Gaming Lawyer at Kalff Katz & Franssen and Justin Franssen, Partner at Kalff Katz & Franssen

In December 2012 Dr Alan Littler and Justin Franssen, now of Kalff Katz & Franssen Attorneys at Law, featured an article in the World Online Gambling Law Report, which explained that the Dutch remote gambling model had been conceived and that its delivery into the world was pencilled in for 2015. A year on, although no precise date can be given for when the licensing regime will flutter into life, it nevertheless seems that 2015 will be a year of remarkable change for the Dutch gambling landscape. Alan and Justin now provide a detailed account of developments and concerns surrounding the impending regulation of the Dutch gambling market.

Read the whole article here.

The briefing: Netherlands update

February 4, 2014 News & Reports

By Justin Franssen, Partner at Kalff Katz & Franssen and Younes Moussaoui, Associate at Kalff Katz & Franssen

Justin Franssen, Partner at Kalff Katz & Franssen, and Younes Moussaoui, Associate at Kalff Katz & Franssen, look back on a landmark year for i-gaming in the Netherlands – and ahead to another important 12 months.

There were many key developments involving remote gaming in the Netherlands in 2013 – and more groundbreaking events are expected in 2014.

Last year, the Dutch gaming authority showed its teeth for the first time and the draft remote gaming bill gave insight into the future framework of remote gaming in the Netherlands. The next 12 months will be crucial for the regulation of remote gaming since the final version of the remote gaming proposals are due to be discussed in parliament. Furthermore, plans to privatise Holland Casino will be revealed and the lottery licensing system will be overhauled.

Read the whole article here.

Published on iNTERGAMING

Practice is ahead of the Concession Granting Process

January 31, 2014 News & Reports

WH Bib

The Hesse Ministry of the Interior responsible for the nationwide concession proceedings set the entire process to zero in November 2013. Lawyers specialized in sports betting and providers analyze the legal development and the current practice situation. Despite all obstacles one thing is clear: bets and betting shops are part of everyday life now. Whether the industry is going to pull together, is uncertain. This shows an example of mutual association work.

The granting of the nationwide sports betting licenses by the responsible Hesse Ministry of the Interior turns more and more into a farce and probably to a never ending story. … Continue Reading

WOGLR: The Italian gaming sector as 2013 closes and 2014 dawns

January 17, 2014 News & Reports

By Quirino Mancini, Partner SCM Lawyers

The Italian gaming sector has not had the easiest of years, with operators having to contend with falling GGR figures, animosity from the media, and an ongoing tough economic climate. Quirino Mancini, a Partner at SCM Lawyers, reviews the past year for the Italian  gaming market and the current state of play, giving his opinion in the process on what has ailed online gambling in Italy this year and on what needs to change to help Italy’s gaming sector improve in 2014.

… Continue Reading

Legal Gaming in Europe Summit 2013 – Summary Day 1

Legal Gaming in Europe Summit 2013 Day 1 Summary Video

Video: International Gaming Law Summit 2011 Highlights

International Gaming Law Summit 2011 Highlights Video

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