Chambers Band 1 ranking VMW Taxand’s Gaming, Sports & Entertainment practice group

March 26, 2012 News & Reports

VMW Taxand shareholder Justin Franssen preserved a band 1 ranking in the category “Gaming and Gambling” in Chambers Global Edition 2012 for the fifth consecutive year. His international work is recognized by Chambers Global: “Justin Franssen works closely with his fellow European experts on pan-regional issues. He recently achieved a landmark decision allowing Betfair to compete for Dutch licences that is likely to have ripple effects in the wider market.” … Continue Reading

Brussels stops revision of German gaming law

March 23, 2012 News & Reports

by Dr. Wulf Hambach, Maximilian Riege

21 Mar. 2012

The EU Commission continues to block the planned revision of gaming law. The first draft for a new inter-state treaty had already fallen through with a big bang and, in its reaction to the revised draft which was published on Tuesday, Brussels does not hold back with its criticism either – in spite of the diplomatic tone. “The example of Schleswig-Holstein could now become the way out of the mess”, say Wulf Hambach and Maximilian Riege. … Continue Reading

One Country, Two Sets of Laws – Sports Gaming Summit at Schwielowsee: Gaming providers expect a chaotic year – will further federal states follow the Schleswig-Holstein model?

March 21, 2012 News & Reports

Potsdam/Werder, in March 2012. One question has continuously been hovering in the background: What will Brussels say? Anticipating a statement from the European Commission on the so-called E-15 Draft for a new inter-state treaty on gambling (GlüStV) which has been initiated by all German federal states with the exception of Schleswig-Holstein, more than 100 top representatives from the gaming sector, media and sports met at Schwielowsee near Potsdam for the Sports Gaming Summit organised by the trade magazine Sponsors to discuss the current market and legal situation.

… Continue Reading

Legal Gaming in Europe Summit 2013 – Summary Day 1

Legal Gaming in Europe Summit 2013 Day 1 Summary Video

Video: International Gaming Law Summit 2011 Highlights

International Gaming Law Summit 2011 Highlights Video


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