The search for reasonable solutions for the German gaming market

June 22, 2012 News & Reports

The German magazine “SportwettenMarkt” interviewed gaming law expert Dr. Wulf on the status quo and future developments in the German gambling market.

From his perspective, the intended regime of the new Interstate on gambling in Germany is “totally irrational”. Hambach refers to the EU Commission’s statement which posed a variety of still unanswered questions to the German states. … Continue Reading

Online gaming: Punching ball of German politics

June 22, 2012 News & Reports

More than 150 leading representatives of the national and international gaming industry met during the World Regulatory Briefing in Frankfurt. One of the core topics of the conference was the impact of two coexisting regulatory regimes in Germany: The Gambling Reform Act of Germany’s most northern state, Schleswig-Holstein and the new  Interstate Treaty on Gambling of the other 15 German states. … Continue Reading

The “reform” of the German Interstate Treaty on Gambling – Deemed to fail?

June 22, 2012 News & Reports

Leading German Gaming law experts have discussed the reform of the German State Treaty on Gambling with representatives of the press in Berlin. The experts’ verdict regarding the new regulatory regime was as unanimous as it was devastating:

The new Interstate Treaty will not prevail. The required EU-coherence principle will not be met and new treaty violation proceedings by the EU commission against Germany are predictable. … Continue Reading

VMW Taxand´s Gaming, Sports & Entertainment practice group´s Annual Gaming Industry Event

June 19, 2012 News & Reports

25 May 2012, Amsterdam

For those who were able to attend our Annual Gaming Industry Event 2012 we hope that this will serve as a gentle reminder about the debates which took place and the (political) backdrop against which we met. If you were unable to attend then hopefully this will give you an impression of what took place at the end of May. … Continue Reading

Italy: Important Regulatory Update – Online Slots

June 11, 2012 News & Reports

Over the last few weeks two important regulatory developments have occurred in Italy concerning the last two games still missing from an already wide range of gaming products fully legal and regulated by AAMS (the Italian regulatory body): betting exchange and online slots.

With regard to betting exchange, on 19 May 2012 the European Commission gave its greenlight to the AAMS proposed rules that notably carry an unprecedented international pool liquidity rule that will allow operators to deal with foreign-based players too.  This is particularly remarkable bearing in mind that in all other games currently regulated by AAMS the general rule is (and will remain) that the offer is limited to domestic players only … Continue Reading

Legal Gaming in Europe Summit 2013 – Summary Day 1

Legal Gaming in Europe Summit 2013 Day 1 Summary Video

Video: International Gaming Law Summit 2011 Highlights

International Gaming Law Summit 2011 Highlights Video


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