Economic Summit on the Island of Sylt: Gaming law still is a legislative patchwork

By Ansgar Lange
Expert panel: Financial Blocking collides with data protection – Kiel gaming act stands for sustainable security in online gaming
Sylt, May 2014 – Games are a fundamental element of our culture. Human beings are players – and without their desire and ability to play, large parts of our culture could not have developed. However: “Homo ludens”, i.e. “Man the Player”, has a hard time in 2014 if he wants to take part in attractive and legal games in Germany. Responsibility for this lies with the German federal states, with their First Treaty Amending the Inter-State Treaty on Gambling (GlüÄndStV) from 2012, which provides for the licensing of a total of 20 providers on the German betting market. Up to now, no licenses have been issued, parts of a market which is worth billions continues to be unregulated, and there is an alternative in the Schleswig-Holstein Gambling Act which has received high praise internationally whilst being fought within the country itself. … Continue Reading