Unjustified restrictions to EU Law dismissed even for a transitional period

February 3, 2010 News & Reports, 2010

In the absence of harmonisation of the gaming legislations, the European Court of Justice has not yet finished to deliver rulings upon the compatibility with European Union law of domestic laws. The opinion of advocate general Bot delivered on 26 January 2010 completes an abundant and consistent case-law on this aspect. The refusal to derogate from the principle of primacy of EU law over national laws has been upheld.

Winner Wetten GmbH is a company established in Germany which provides sports bets services on behalf of another company established and registered in Malta. Pursuant to the legislation of the Land Nordrhein Whestphalen, pursuant to which theses activities are limited, Winner Wetten has been prohibited from continuing to carrying out unauthorized sports betting. Relying upon the freedom to provide services, Winner Wetten has instituted court proceedings against this decision. The Judge has considered it was necessary to make a reference for a preliminary ruling to the Court and wanted to ascertain whether a national law instituting a State monopoly on sports betting which contains restrictions on the freedom of establishment and the freedom to provide services, inasmuch as it do not serve to limit betting activities in a consistent and systematic manner, may still continue to apply exceptionally for a transitional period. … Continue Reading

Legal Gaming in Europe

January 23, 2010 Videos, 2010

Dr. Wulf Hambach, Santiago Asensi Quirino Mancini and Thibault Verbiest (all founders of Gaminglaw.eu) at the 4th annual LEGAL GAMING IN EUROPE SUMMIT in Gloucester (25. – 26. January 2010).
… Continue Reading

Santiago Asensi, Legal Gaming Interview (2)

January 20, 2010 Videos, 2010

Santiago Asensi (founder of Gaminglaw.eu) at the 4th annual LEGAL GAMING IN EUROPE SUMMIT in Gloucester (25. – 26. January 2010). … Continue Reading

Thibault Verbiest & Quirino Mancini, Legal Gaming Interview (1)

January 20, 2010 Videos, 2010

Quirino Mancini and Thibault Verbiest (all founders of Gaminglaw.eu) at the 4th annual LEGAL GAMING IN EUROPE SUMMIT in Gloucester (25. – 26. January 2010). … Continue Reading

Quirino Mancini, spoke at I-Gamingforum.com

January 20, 2010 Videos, 2010

Quirino Mancini (co-founder of Gaminglaw.eu) talks about regulating the online gaming business.

Legal Gaming in Europe Summit 2013 – Summary Day 1

Legal Gaming in Europe Summit 2013 Day 1 Summary Video

Video: International Gaming Law Summit 2011 Highlights

International Gaming Law Summit 2011 Highlights Video

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