New Government Spells Overnight Change For Dutch Gambling

November 4, 2010 Videos

Interview with Justin Franssen, co-founder of

… Continue Reading

Event: «Business de la toile ». Opportunités et perspectives / 7th December 2010

November 3, 2010 Events
Evénément : «Business de la toile ». Opportunités et perspectives
Date(s) : 7/12/2010 … Continue Reading

EIG-European iGaming Congress & Expo 19.10.2010 – 21.10.2010

October 19, 2010 Events

EIG-European iGaming Congress & Expo

19.10.2010 – 21.10.2010

Bella Centre



Organizer: Clarion Gaming … Continue Reading

ECJ judgment in the Betfair and Ladbrokes cases: new exception to the applicability of the transparency principle in the gaming sector?

October 12, 2010 News & Reports

By Justin Franssen, attorney at law, and Frank Tolboom, legal assistant, VMW Taxand, Netherlands, article first published in European Gaming Lawyer magazine, Autumn issue 2010 p. 30 – 32.

On June 3, 2010, the ECJ rendered preliminary rulings in the Dutch betting cases Betfair/Minister of Justice (C-203/08) and Ladbrokes/De Lotto (C-258/08) addressing the compatibility of the Dutch gambling legislation with key principles of EU law.

As generally anticipated, the rulings seek alignment with the Bwin/Santa Casa case: member states have a significant margin of discretion with which to define the requisite level of protection and may therefore opt for a single-licence system, provided that the ensuing restrictive measures are objective, non-discriminatory and proportional. … Continue Reading

Online gambling is to be liberalized. The new Dutch Cabinet, formed by Mark Rutte, believes that in time this will rake in hundreds of million Euros yearly.

October 8, 2010 News & Reports

by Dennis Naaktgeboren

Online gambling is to be liberalized. The new Dutch Cabinet, formed by Mark Rutte, believes that in time this will rake in hundreds of million Euros yearly.

This was today disclosed by sources in The Hague. The right-wing cabinet plans to sell or auction licences to interested companies. The income realised from this has been estimated at an annual figure of 100 million Euro, but ultimately could even be as high as 270 million.
Currently the provision of Internet gaming or lotteries in this country is illegal. Much to the disgruntlement of popular Internet casinos of Ladbrokes, Unibet, PokerStars and PartyPoker. The Justice Department deals severely with banks and credit card companies facilitating payment transactions for foreign gambling sites. … Continue Reading

Legal Gaming in Europe Summit 2013 – Summary Day 1

Legal Gaming in Europe Summit 2013 Day 1 Summary Video

Video: International Gaming Law Summit 2011 Highlights

International Gaming Law Summit 2011 Highlights Video


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