Online Gaming in Schleswig-Holstein / Norderstedt

16th of January Events

Information convention on the new regulation and tendering procedure

2011 has seen Germany engulfed by intense political debate as the EU declared its current gambling restrictions, due to expire 31 December, to clearly be in breach of European Law.

The northern most State of Schleswig-Holstein has in the latter part of this year taken its first bold step towards the deregulation of the current system, adopting its own online gambling legislation that has been approved and praised by the European Commission.

In conjunction with the Ministry of Schleswig-Holstein and leading law firms Melchers and Hambach & Hambach, Awedacity is delighted to be hosting a one day forum to discuss the key requirements of the Ordinance which will define each step of the application and technical process needed to be completed before submission to the Ministry. … Continue Reading

Webinar: The latest intelligence on gambling law for successful expansion in established and emerging European markets

November 30, 2011 News & Reports

This is a free-to-download, 1 hour webinar replay.

The leading industry lawyers will provide you with the information you need when preparing for market entry.

  • Discover how the Spanish market is fairing as it implements online gaming and establish what your business should be preparing for
  • Explore the latest on New State Treaties and understand how they will impact the German licensing platform
  • Understand what opportunities are still available in Italy and why you should still join
  • Establish the favourable tax regime is in Belgium and potential criticism from land based licensees, so you know what to expect from the market
  • Get the latest updates on blacklisting and financial blocking in the Netherlands

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Germany´s Online Gambling Law 2012: Preprogrammed inconsistency

November 22, 2011 News & Reports

by Dr. Wulf Hambach and Dr. Stefan Bolay

On 9 November 2011, the 22 year old German Pius Heinz won the WSOP Main Event in Las Vegas and is now the 2011 Poker World Champion. Press and media celebrate him as a new Boris Becker and compare him with Sebastian Vettel. Pius Heinz himself explained his success with four years of real money online poker experience in Germany. Schleswig-Holstein politician Hans-Joern Arp points out that this shows the absurdity of the past and current gambling regulation in Germany: Pius Heinz became a German hero by doing something that is formally prohibited in Germany (see

The following shall show the legal consequences for the gambling regulation in Germany in the year 2012 in case that the other Länder will not approach Schleswig-Holstein’s Gaming Reform Act.

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Entertainment, Sports and iGaming Conference 2011 Video Session “Opening Session”

November 16, 2011 Videos

The definitive guide to business opportunities and lucrative partnerships being made out of the European convergence between media, sports, telecoms and iGaming.

Some of Europe’s leading gaming and media lawyers – collectively forming – led this first-of-a-kind two day conference on the convergence of media, sport, telecoms and gaming. It explored the legal implications, commercial opportunities and encourage networking amongst the diverse range of delegates and show how you can profit from the iGaming revolution taking place in your country.
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Comment: Schleswig-Holstein v 15 states: the legal battle turns political

November 14, 2011 News & Reports

by Dr. Wulf Hambach and Dr. Stefan Bolay

The German State of Schleswig-Holstein recently approved a liberal gambling law, ignoring the wish of the 15 other federal states to agree on a new Interstate Treaty on Gambling (ITG), which advocates tight gambling regulation and a limited number of operators. Dr. Wulf Hambach and Dr. Stefan Bolay, of Hambach & Hambach Rechtsanwälte, analyse the latest developments and discuss how this legal battle has turned into a fierce political debate.
One month after the ratification of the Schleswig-Holstein Gambling Reform Act, on 14 September 2011, which legalises major parts of the online gambling market, Schleswig-Holstein’s leading newspaper Lübecker Nachrichten reported ‘a wave of online gambling operators’ intending to apply for a 2012 remote licence in Schleswig-Holstein and already making deals with regional sports clubs such as VfB Lübeck. What triggered this new wave?

… Continue Reading

Legal Gaming in Europe Summit 2013 – Summary Day 1

Legal Gaming in Europe Summit 2013 Day 1 Summary Video

Video: International Gaming Law Summit 2011 Highlights

International Gaming Law Summit 2011 Highlights Video


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