iGaming Super Show

April 28, 2016 Events

Host: iGaming Business

Location: Amsterdam

Date: 7 – 10 June 2016


Dutch government reconfirms classification binary options as a financial instrument

April 8, 2016 News & Reports

By Frank Tolboom, lawyer at Kalff Katz & Franssen, and Joost van den Bogaerd

On 4 April 2016, the Minister of Finance (also on behalf of the State Secretary of Secretary and Justice) published its answers to parliamentary questions on the qualification of binary options as a financial instrument. MPs of the Christian Democratic Party (“CDA”)  again questioned whether binary options should not be qualified and regulated as games of chance rather than financial instruments. In its response the Minister referred to its previous answers of 30 October 2015 in which he already held that binary options are qualified as financial instruments in accordance with the European Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID). As such the Netherlands Authority of Financial Markets (“AFM”) is responsible for supervision of binary options, according to the Minister of Finance. … Continue Reading

Chambers Global: Awards 2016

March 30, 2016 News & Reports

Quirino, Justin, Santiago and Wulf were also awarded by Chambers Global for the year 2016. Read here what is said about the four Gaminglaw.eu founders and their skills: … Continue Reading

Gaming Intelligence: German media association chief calls for leadership from the federal government

March 18, 2016 News & Reports

Germany’s Association for Telecommunications and Media (DVTM) has emerged as a major advocate of regulatory reform. CEO Renatus Zilles explains why he believes it is high time for the federal government to take charge of Germany’s gambling market.

Years of stilted progress and legal battles seem to be finally culminating in a strong consensus in favour of a liberalised German gambling market. With the European Court of Justice finally ruling that the model supported by the state lottery monopolies contravenes European Union law and infringement proceedings likely to follow, politicians seem to have finally woken up to the need for action. … Continue Reading

Gambling Compliance: German Liberalisation Would Quash Illegal Market, Study Says

March 4, 2016 News & Reports

By David Altaner & Elisa Grabbe

If Germany opened its online gambling model to allow every qualified applicant to get a licence, only 8 percent of players would patronise illegal sites, a researcher said last week.

Opening the market to all capable operators — like Denmark did — would boost tax revenues, keep
jobs in Germany, and improve protection of consumers and players, said Iris Henseler-Unger of WIKConsult, a German consulting group that examines infrastructure.

Henseler-Unger, an economist and former telecommunications regulator, was speaking last week in
Berlin at a conference sponsored by ECO, the Association of the German Internet Industry.

Read the whole article here

Legal Gaming in Europe Summit 2013 – Summary Day 1

Legal Gaming in Europe Summit 2013 Day 1 Summary Video

Video: International Gaming Law Summit 2011 Highlights

International Gaming Law Summit 2011 Highlights Video

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